Naman Goel

Naman Goel

University of Oxford, UK

E-mail: naman.goel [at], naman.goel [at]
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About Me

    I am a researcher at the University of Oxford (affiliated with the Department of Computer Science and the Human Centered Computing Group). I work on the EWADA project as Oxford Martin Fellow. I earned my Ph.D. at the School of Computer and Communication Sciences, EPFL. I obtained my undergraduate (integrated master's) degree from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Varanasi.

    I am interested in collaborations and other opportunities in the area of trustworthy artificial intelligence. More information about my research interests and my publications is available here. Please feel free to reach out to discuss.

    In the past, I have also been fortunate to work with wonderful colleagues at ETH Zürich, OpenAI, Microsoft Research, Qatar Foundation, INRIA (France), Centro de Informática (Brazil), and IIT Kharagpur.